Tajikistan Won 13 Medals at the CIS Games in Minsk and Took Eighth Place


Boxer Mehroj Sufijonov in the weight category up to 48 kg won the only gold medal for Tajikistan at the Commonwealth of Independent States Games, which ended today in Minsk.

Mehroj Sufijonov defeated Zafarbek Kamilov, an athlete from Kyrgyzstan, in the weight up to 48 kg.

In total, Tajik athletes won 13 medals – 1 gold, 3 silver and 9 bronze medals – at the II CIS Games, which were held in Belarus from August 4 to 14.

Boxers brought the most awards to the Tajik national team – 7 medals. Three medals were won by wrestlers, two by judoists and one by a sambo wrestler.

Silver awards were won by Loik Kutbiddinov (judo, up to 55 kg), Ubaydi Devashtich (sambo, up to 79 kg) and Anushervon Fozilov (boxing, up to 51 kg).

The bronze medalists of the Games were boxers Hangoma Isoeva (up to 57 kg), Buzurgmehr Iksanov (up to 54 kg), Rustamjon Ashurov (up to 67 kg), Akmaljon Abduvaliev (up to 86 kg), Ruslan Fedorin (up to 92 kg), freestyle wrestlers Mustafo Akhmadov (up to 70 kg), Somonjon Ikromov (up to 79 kg), Greco-Roman wrestler Aslamjon Azizov (up to 60 kg) and judoka Madina Kurbonzoda (up to 48 kg).

In the overall medal standings, Tajikistan took 8th place among 22 participating countries.

The closing ceremony of the second CIS Games was held in Minsk on Monday, during which the symbolic flag of the competition was lowered from the flagpole and handed over to the representative of Azerbaijan, where the next Commonwealth Games will be held in 2025.

Source: Asia-Plus