Turkmen Culture Will Be Presented in Tajikistan


As part of the official visit of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to Tajikistan scheduled for April 10-11, numerous events will take place, including performances by Turkmen masters of art.

A creative landing party consisting of well-known cultural figures of Turkmenistan, popular musicians and vocalists, creative teams that will take part in various cultural events has been sent to Tajikistan.

People’s Artists of Turkmenistan Atageldy Garyagdyev, Dilber Rakhmanova, Gulshat Gurdova, Dzhemal Saparova, Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Guvanch Yazmammedov, young musicians and vocalists, as well as the Dokmachilar folklore and ethnographic group and the Nyazli choreographic ensemble will perform in a joint concert of masters of arts of the two countries.

Artists of the two countries prepared creative gifts and joint performances for each other, which will decorate the holiday of Turkmen-Tajik friendship.

Source: turkmenportal