The Presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan Value the Results of the First Gulf Summit With Central Asian Countries


The presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan valued the results of the first Gulf summit with Central Asian countries, which was held Wednesday in the Saudi city of Jeddah.

For his part, the President of Kazakhstan, Kasim Jomart Tokayev, stressed that his country attaches exceptional importance to the first Gulf summit with the countries of Central Asia, and considers the Arab Gulf states, with their great political influence and economic and investment capabilities, among their most important partners in many key areas.

In his speech at the summit, the Kazakh President noted the dynamic regional cooperation and the global role of Central Asian countries that create new opportunities for expanding cooperation; He praised the effective and active growth of trade between the countries of Central Asia and the countries of the Cooperation Council, which began in recent years.

He expressed his aspiration to increase the list of mutual trade and activate investment cooperation, pointing out that Kazakhstan can increase the volume of its exports to the Gulf countries by 100 commodities, at a value of approximately $350 million.

And he considered that the tourism industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the region’s economy, expressing his readiness to develop mutual promotion of the tourism product, noting that Kazakhstan has currently adopted the visa-free entry system for the GCC countries; In order to ensure sustainable growth and prosperity.

For his part, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadir Japarov stated, during his speech at the summit, that the holding of this summit is a clear indication of the great opportunities and desire to enhance political dialogue and expand economic, cultural and humanitarian interaction between all participants at the bilateral and multilateral levels, stressing the importance of continuing the active exchange of visits. High-level dual.

The Kyrgyz President said: “Today Central Asia is a dynamically developing region with diverse geography, sustainable economic growth, and new development opportunities. Regional integration is an essential component of our common vision for the future. Unite efforts in combating terrorism, extremism and organized crime, so that we can strengthen our countermeasures, and ensure the security and stability of our countries more effectively.

He added that economic and investment cooperation is at the core of the agenda of the summit, and there are enormous opportunities that can be exploited for the benefit of our countries and peoples, which possess an invaluable wealth, which is human capital, as Central Asia has strong potential in trade, logistics and transportation, calling for work to strengthen regional cooperation. and exchanging experiences in vital sectors such as energy, infrastructure, agriculture, transportation, healthcare, tourism, digitization and innovation.

Japarov called on the Gulf countries to participate in the joint implementation of the huge project to build a railway between China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, which will enhance trade and economic cooperation between regions, expand transport links and logistics services, including railways, and open flights, which will facilitate the movement of goods and capital. between our regions, and lead to stimulating trade, and promoting cultural exchange.

He said, “I propose a step to establish a visa-free zone within our regions, encourage and support our airlines, open and expand regular flights between capitals, develop joint tourist routes, strengthen cooperation between banks and develop trade and investment cooperation.”

He pointed to the importance of the field of green energy for the economy, and considered it the essence of economic growth and sustainable development in Kyrgyzstan, as it possesses great potential for renewable energy sources, and the Kyrgyz Council of Ministers is actively working on a project to build a hydroelectric power station, calling on partners in the Gulf countries to consider the possibility of participating in the construction of this station. , which will contribute significantly to enhancing regional water and energy security.

He expressed deep gratitude to partners from the Gulf states for their fruitful cooperation with Kyrgyzstan through the Arab Coordination Group, stressing commitment to further strengthening cooperation and deepening partnership.

In his turn, the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, stressed, in his speech during the first Gulf summit with the countries of Central Asia in the Saudi city of Jeddah, the depth of relations that link the countries of Central Asia with the Gulf Cooperation Council, noting the strengthening of fruitful cooperation in various sectors of trade, culture, and other fields. Of common interest, and the importance of employing the capabilities of the financial institutions of the Arab Gulf states.

He expressed his aspiration to attract investment from the Gulf countries to Tajikistan. One of its priorities is the implementation of projects that include energy and industry, especially light industries, food, mining, agriculture, banking affairs, tourism, information communications, digitization of the economy, and what the parties have in terms of transit and transportation capabilities.

And he indicated that Tajikistan, which has huge potential in hydropower, seeks to develop the green energy sector for the benefit of the entire region by establishing a series of power stations of various capacities. Pointing out that his country pays special attention to the implementation of commercial and economic projects, transportation and communications projects of regional importance.

The President of Tajikistan affirmed support for all political and diplomatic efforts aimed at resolving the problems of Afghanistan, and initiatives to deliver humanitarian aid to its people, amid full readiness for constructive cooperation with the Arab Gulf states in this direction, expressing his gratitude for the support of Tajikistan’s initiatives in this regard. Looking forward to continuing fruitful cooperation in the future on settling water issues.

For his part, the President of Turkmenistan, Sardar Berdimuhamedov, stressed that the international political events at the present time in different regions of the world, including the regions close to the countries of Central Asia and the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the existing global threats and challenges, require our countries to unite efforts, and then adopt solutions to them.

In a speech during the summit, the Turkmenistan president considered the development of trade and economic cooperation, as well as political issues, between the GCC countries and the countries of Central Asia very important, and the development of transport, energy, investment and trade among the priority directions, in addition to the establishment of a council of foreign ministers for the countries of Central Asia and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council that works on a permanent basis. With the aim of developing cooperation and establishing a strong and reliable logistical infrastructure, and proposing the establishment of a transportation committee for the countries of Central Asia and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council; In order to coordinate efforts in the field of transportation.

He stressed the importance of the energy sector, with the rich reserves of energy resources and strong industrial facilities possessed by the Gulf states and Central Asian countries, proposing the establishment of a joint working group to analyze the potential for joint work in the energy sector, and provide consultations on it, and the need to develop trade relations between Central Asian countries and the GCC countries. Gulf cooperation, achieving a continuous increase in the volumes of trade exchange between them, establishing a chamber of commerce for the countries of Central Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the possibility of developing investment cooperation between our countries.

Mammadov said: “Turkmenistan is always open to cooperation in the implementation of investment projects in economic fields of high priority, proposing to hold the first investment forum in Turkmenistan specifically for the countries of Central Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council in 2024, and the establishment of a new platform for cultural and humanitarian cooperation, and cultural dialogue for the countries of Central Asia and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the establishment of an environmental council for the countries of Central Asia and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the development of cooperation in the field of medicine and health care, by holding a medical conference in the city of Ashgabat for the countries of Central Asia and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council in 2025.

He pointed out that holding the first international sports games for Central Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries could be one of the first steps in this direction, indicating that Turkmenistan is fully prepared to organize this event, provide all available modern sports infrastructure, and create the best conditions for the participants in the games.

In turn, the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, stressed the strength of historical relations and common values, which bind the peoples of the Central Asian and Gulf regions, foremost of which are the principles of the Islamic religion.

During his speech at the summit, President Mirziyoyev noted the enormous economic, natural and intellectual resources enjoyed by the Gulf states that play a role in securing global stability and energy security, praising what the Organization of Islamic Cooperation is doing in the field of combating terrorism, extremism and racism.

He pointed out the importance of joint work to provide security in the region and the world, drawing attention to the issue of Afghanistan, and improving the living conditions of the Afghan people.

The President of Uzbekistan suggested holding the next summit in Uzbekistan to continue to hold open and fruitful meetings on a permanent basis, noting in the same regard that this historic summit hosted by Saudi Arabia will serve the Gulf region and Central Asia, which will move it to a new stage.

Source: UNA