Scorching Heat to Persist Across Kazakhstan Midweek


Scorching heat is forecast to persist across Kazakhstan in three upcoming days, Kazinform cites Kazhydromet.

According to Kazakhstan’s national weather agency, inclement weather is expected in most of Kazakhstan on June 6-8.

Showers with thunderstorms will douse western Kazakhstan on June 6, northwestern Kazakhstan on June 7-8 and northern Kazakhstan on June 8.

Only the south will observe hot weather without precipitation. Fervent heat will persist at daytime in the north on June 6-7 and in the center on June 6. Temperature will climb to +41°C in the east and in southeast on June 6, and to +46°C in the south on June 8.

On June 8, temperature will subdue in northwestern and northern Kazakhstan dipping to +22, +30°C.

Source: KazInform