Impact of climate change on glaciers discussed in Dushanbe


The problem of melting glaciers was discussed at the international scientific-practical conference in Dushanbe. The issue is especially relevant for Tajikistan.

The republic suffers greatly from the melting of glaciers, which occupy 8% of the entire territory of the country. The participants discussed modern methods for studying the cryosphere and snow cover in the highlands, as well as the possibility of natural disasters associated with glaciers. The conference was attended by domestic and foreign scientists and experts.

“In the 1960s and 1970s, they said that there were only 60 surging glaciers in Central Asia and 40 of them in Tajikistan. That’s just in Tajikistan, more than a thousand pulsating glaciers have now been identified. And there will be more. Not because it’s warming, they just didn’t know about them. Now there are new methods of study, we take the most dangerous glaciers under our supervision and carry out monitoring,” said Kayumov Abdulkhamid, director of the State Scientific Institution “Center for the Study of Glaciers of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan”.

The number of glaciers in Central Asia is rapidly declining. In November, the President of Tajikistan said that due to global warming, more than 1,000 have already melted, while there are 13,000 of them in the country. Therefore, it was decided to declare 2025 the International Year of Glacier Preservation in the republic.

Source: mir24