Will Appliance Prices Skyrocket? Kazakhstan has Tightened Control Over Re-Exports

Kazakhstan tightened control over the re-export of equipment to Russia – experts disagreed on how this could affect the market.

According to Kommersant , logistics companies have warned that prices for household appliances will increase by 10-12% due to Kazakhstan’s action. At the same time, retail chains are not sure that this can somehow worsen the situation on the market. As the publication explains, household appliances for parallel imports to Russia have long been imported from China, Kyrgyzstan and the United Arab Emirates.

At the same time, in the DNS network in Novosibirsk, the correspondent of the NGS was informed that, on the contrary, they are even waiting for a decrease in prices for a number of goods.

— Our head office in Vladivostok will solve the issue of re-export. And we both worked and work. But I can say for sure: if they don’t deliver from Kazakhstan, then they will deliver from some other point. What difference does it make where. It’s just that logistics chains will change again,” one of the managers of the CSN store in Novosibirsk noted. – On the contrary, as far as we have information, we expect a decrease in the cost of laptops.

He added that many companies are now developing their own brands.

– Our company is working on reducing the cost of household appliances through private label – its own brand. We directly produce this equipment in China ourselves, we bring and sell it ourselves. Does it make sense for us to raise the price? And everything that has left the market will be replaced. And I think that the price of equipment will not change, – the expert is sure. “We won’t be left without technology, that’s for sure.

At the beginning of the year, it became clear that the increase in prices for basic products and goods for 2022 significantly exceeded the official inflation figures. The NHS reviewer studied the statistics and supplemented it with a comparison of prices in stores .

Source: NGS.RU
