In Tajikistan 260 Thousand First-graders Will Go to School for the First Time


In the current academic year, about 260 thousand children will go to the first grade for the first time, the Ministry of Education and Science informed Asia-Plus.

They noted that last year more than 200 thousand first-graders crossed the school thresholds in the country.

Recently, at a press conference of the Ministry of Education and Science, a question was raised about the shortage of teachers that appeared last academic year.

The shortage of 3,434 teachers has become especially noticeable in the exact sciences – mathematics, physics and chemistry.

At a press conference, it was announced that 4,347 people had been sent to districts and cities to solve this problem. They had to go through the appropriate procedures and, subsequently, be hired to reduce the shortage of qualified teachers.

According to the department, today there are 3,967 secondary schools in the republic, where 126 thousand 354 teachers work. Among them 81 thousand 822 are women.

The total number of students reaches 2 million 232 thousand 114 people, of which girls make up 1 million 79 thousand 197 people.

Source: Asia Plus